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Ministry Leader:
Elder Bounyou Kongsaisy

The Purpose of 3 Lao Angels Ministry Project Service

There are 10 things I want you to know about the support and prayer that the 3 Lao Angels Ministry Project Service does.

1. Tell the good news about the last days and that Jesus is coming soon.

2. Tell about the end of the world.

3. Tell that the Sabbath day (Saturday) is the Seventh-day of the week.

4. Support Lao bible workers in Laos.

5. Support building a church, school, and clinic in Laos.

6. Support translating the Ellen G. White and Lao Sabbath school books.

7. Obtain a vehicle for transportation (needed in Laos).

8. Care for Orphans and Disabled who are unable to help themselves in Laos.

9. Organize and support sports for the youths in Laos.

10. Record video (CD & DVD) clips, song and sermons.

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